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Author Archive for: iyoha

15 Quick Tips to Get Hired Fast

Are you in a hurry to get a job? Are you having a hard time finding a job, and starting to feel discouraged? There are some things that don’t take a lot of time that can help you get hired quickly. Here are 15 things you should know about job hunting that will help you find a new job fast.

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10 tips for landing your dream job in 2018

1. Identify your skill sets Many people start their job search by looking at the job titles that sound most fitting to their career goals. While this method may prove to be successful for some, career expert Scott Dobroski suggests job seekers look at the required skills of a position instead. By doing this, Dobroski says employees will be able

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12 Qualities Employers Look For When They’re Hiring

The funny thing about the recruiting process is that if you read job ads, you’d think that employers are strictly looking for people with very specific types of experience. That’s all you can see in a job ad — long lists of bullet points with Essential Requirements like years of experience with certain tools, and obscure industry certifications! Once you

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23 Things You Should Include To Make A Killer Résumé

1. Make sure your résuméis tailored to the job you are applying for Generic résumésmay be quick to submit, but far less effective. Better one excellent job application than three shoddy ones. Researching the cultural norms of the organization is worthwhile. For example, within one industry some will value experience but not care much about education, while others care about

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