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10 Job Pack

20,240 Br

  • 1 Year Membership
  • 10 jobs posting
  • 3 refresh jobs
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • Post job with Address field
  • Post job with Job Category field
  • Post job with Job Type field
  • Post job with Job Location field

50 Jobs Pack

36,000 Br

  • 1 Year Membership
  • 50 jobs posting
  • 10 refresh jobs
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • Post job with Address field
  • Post job with Job Category field
  • Post job with Job Type field
  • Post job with Job Location field

100 Jobs Pack

59,800 Br

  • 1 Year Membership
  • 100 jobs posting
  • 20 refresh jobs
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • Post job with Address field
  • Post job with Job Category field
  • Post job with Job Type field
  • Post job with Job Location field

Unlimited Job Pack

172,500 Br

  • 1 Year Membership
  • Unlimited job posting
  • 20 refresh jobs
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • Featured Company
  • Post job with Address field
  • Post job with Job Category field
  • Post job with Job Type field
  • Post job with Job Location field

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Ethiojobs | Ethiopian Reporter Jobs

Media and Communications Center.
Cameroon Street, Awlo Building 7th floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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