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Company Information

About Us

AMEFADA INDUSTRY PLC is a private limited Company established as per the commercial code of Ethiopia and Articled and Memorandum of Association signed by the four shareholders namely Ato Mekonnen Abreham Wuneh, baby Abreham Mekonnen Abreham, baby Fana Mekonnen Abreham and baby Dawit Mekonnen Abreham (represented by their father Ato Mekonnen Abreham) on 15/11/06 E.C. at a paid up capital of birr 1,100,000.00, which is later on raised to birr 59,000,000 divided in to 59,000 shares. The par value of each share is Birr 1,000. The capital of the Company and distribution of the capital among the shareholders is presented as follows.

The factory is built at 8,500m2 plot of land obtained from Oromiya Regional State, Oromiya Land Development and Management Agency, at Menagesha Town Kebele 01 in the form of lease. It is situated in an area 25 km from Addis Ababa on the way to Holeta town.

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