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Giftii Foods and Packaging PLC

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Giftii Foods and Packaging PLC

Company Information

About Us

Giftii Foods and Packaging PLC has been established in 1971 by Kalsec International from Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. The plant was designed primarily to extract oleoresin paprika from red pepper grown in the southern part of Ethiopia. Formerly, the entire product was exported to the United States. In 2008, Privatization and Public Enterprises Supervising Agency has floated a tender to transfer to private owners. In this process, Ato Akalu Geleta won the bid and the factory has been handed over to him.

After the privatization process, major rehabilitation and diversification activities have been carried out. The following new and existing production units have been established and reorganized and thus the spice factory now becomes a diversified food factory.
a)    Solvent extraction factory (spice & oilseeds extraction), Addis Ababa
b)    Spice & vegetables post-harvest processing project (Welaita)
c)    Milling unit (Flour factory ), Addis Ababa
d)    Bakery Unit (Biscuit and Bread Factory), Addis Ababa
e)    Extrusion Unit ( Texturised Vegetable Protein and Macaroni), Addis Ababa
f)    Farm Project (Welega)

⦁    Experience in Solvent Extraction Technology

Giftii Foods and Packaging PLC has over 45 years of experience in extraction technology.
In addition to spice oleoresins (paprika, capsicum, ginger, turmeric and black cumin), Giftii Foods and Packaging PLC is currently producing defatted soy flour, soy oil, defatted and detoxified  rapeseed meal (‘canola’), rapeseed oil, wheat flour, corn flour, barley flour and high quality concentrated brine (with hydroextraction technology). Giftii Foods and Packaging PLC is thus local expert on extraction technologies.

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